Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit is back again. They were last seen together in Pukar, but now both the stars will share screen again together in Indar Kumar's film, Total Dhamaal. Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit were a hit jodi in 90's known for their blockbuster films like Tezaab, Beta, Parinda, Ram Lakhan and others. Their last film together as couple was Pukaar in year 2000 but for those who are missing the couple on screen, it is a good news that Anil and Madhuri are back after 17 years, for Dhamaal's much-awaited sequel Total Dhamaal. When Directer Indar Kumar were asked that how Madhuri entering the film, he said Talking about it, the director said, ""I approached her a couple of months ago and the script worked its dhamaal on her and everybody else." Want to know more details ? Watch the video